Top 10 JavaScript Dashboard Libraries

These frameworks, templates, or libraries provide a solid foundation for building dashboard websites with administrative functionality. They come with pre-built components, layouts, and themes that can be customized to fit your specific requirements.

If you’re a developer looking to create an admin dashboard that is developer-friendly, rich with features, and highly customizable, here are your options:

  1. Vue Element Admin (86.7k ⭐) — A production-ready front-end solution for admin interfaces. It is based on vue and uses the UI Toolkit element-ui. It has a lot of features and components that can help you build enterprise-level applications.

  2. Tabler (37.2k ⭐) — A free and open-source HTML dashboard UI kit built on Bootstrap. It has a responsive and high-quality design that can help you create beautiful dashboards and web applications. If you prefer to use React, there is also a repository called tabler-react that has React components and demo.

  3. Refine (25.4k ⭐) — React meta-framework for CRUD-heavy web applications. It addresses a wide range of enterprise use cases including internal tools, admin panels, dashboards and B2B apps. Refine includes authentication, access control, routing, networking, state management, i18n, and more.

  4. React Admin (24.3k ⭐) — A comprehensive, open source library for building data-driven admin dashboards based on React, Material UI, Redux, and React Router. It supports data providers, data validation, internationalization, theming, authentication, and more.

  5. Ant Design Pro (36k ⭐) — A free, open source UI library for scaffolding production-ready admin interface solutions for enterprise applications based on React Umi and Ant Design UI library. It offers a rich set of components, layouts, charts, forms, tables, and more.

  6. Ngx-admin (25.1k ⭐) — A customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+. Packed with a huge number of handcrafted UI components, charts, maps, editors, tables, and much more, so that developers can focus on business needs.

  7. Tremor (15.5k ⭐) — An open-source React UI component library for building insightful dashboards in a breeze. It offers components such as charts, layouts, input elements, and more, covering the essential parts of a dashboard or analytical interface.

  8. Material Dashboard 2 (10.9k ⭐) — A free Material Bootstrap Admin with a fresh, new design inspired by Google’s Material Design. It was built over the popular Bootstrap framework and it comes with a couple of third-party plugins redesigned to fit in with the rest of the elements.

  9. Vuestic Admin (10.2k ⭐) — Free and beautiful Vue.js admin template with 44+ custom UI components. It is developed by Epicmax and designed by Vasili Savitski. It is based on Vuestic UI library, which is a free and open source UI library for Vue 3.

  10. AdminJS (8k ⭐) — An automatic admin interface that can be plugged into your application. You, as a developer, provide database models (like posts, comments, stores, products or whatever else your application uses), and AdminJS generates UI which allows you (or other trusted users) to manage content.

Common features

While the specific features may vary depending on the framework or template you choose, here are some common features you can expect in dashboard frameworks for administrative interfaces:

  • Responsive Layout: The frameworks often provide responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring the dashboard is accessible and usable on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

  • UI Components: These frameworks typically offer a set of pre-built UI components such as tables, forms, buttons, modals, notifications, and icons. These components can be easily integrated and customized to suit your application’s needs.

  • Data Management: Most dashboard frameworks provide functionality to manage and display data, including features like sorting, filtering, pagination, and searching. They often have built-in components or libraries for data visualization, such as charts and graphs.

  • Authentication and Authorization: These frameworks often offer authentication and authorization mechanisms to control user access and permissions within the administrative interface. This includes features like user registration, login, password reset, and role-based access control.

  • Routing and Navigation: Dashboard frameworks typically include routing and navigation features, allowing you to define different pages and routes within the admin interface. This enables users to navigate between different sections or modules of the dashboard.

  • Form Handling: Frameworks usually provide form components and utilities to simplify form handling and validation. This helps in creating forms for data input, editing, and validation, often with built-in form validation rules and error handling.

  • Customization and Theming: Many frameworks allow for customization and theming, enabling you to modify the visual appearance of the dashboard to match your branding or design requirements. They often provide theme management options, color palettes, and style customization.

  • Internationalization (i18n): Some frameworks offer support for internationalization, allowing you to create multilingual admin interfaces. This includes features such as language translation support and locale management.

  • Notifications and Alerts: Dashboard frameworks often provide components and utilities for displaying notifications, alerts, or messages to the user. These can be used to show system notifications, success messages, error messages, or other types of user feedback.

  • API Integration: Depending on the framework, there may be built-in support or recommended practices for integrating with backend APIs or services to fetch and update data in the dashboard.

These are some of the common features you can expect to find in dashboard frameworks for administrative interfaces. However, it’s important to review the documentation and specific features provided by the chosen framework or template to ensure they meet your project’s requirements.