Top 10 JavaScript frameworks to create presentation slides

Updated May 30, 2024#javascript#libs#lists

Presentation frameworks are tools or libraries that can help you create presentations using web technologies that you are familiar with, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Vue, React, and more. You’ll have full control over the appearance and layout of your slides.

They allow you to export your slides as HTML files that can be viewed in any modern browser. You don’t need to install any software or plugin to view your slides. You can also share your slides online using platforms such as, GitHub Pages, Netlify.

  1. Reveal.js (67.1k ⭐) β€” An open source HTML presentation framework that allows you to create beautiful and interactive presentations using web technologies. You can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, LaTeX, and more to create stunning slides with animations, transitions, code highlighting, and other features.

  2. Impress.js (37.5k ⭐) β€” Another open source HTML presentation framework that is similar to reveal.js, but with a different approach, inspired by the idea behind It uses CSS3 3D transforms to create dynamic and spatial presentations that can zoom, rotate, and pan across the slides.

  3. Slidev (31.5k ⭐) β€” A web-based slides maker and presenter that is designed for developers. It allows you to create beautiful and interactive presentations using Markdown, HTML, Vue components, and other web technologies. You can also use features such as live coding, recording, drawing, LaTeX, diagrams, icons, and more to enhance your slides.

  4. MDX Deck (11.3k ⭐) β€” A library based on MDX that allows you to create presentations using Markdown and React components. You can write your slides in a single MDX file and separate them with ---. You can also import and use any React component in your slides, as well as customize the theme and layout of your presentation.

  5. Spectacle (9.7k ⭐) β€” A React-based library for creating sleek presentations using JSX syntax that gives you the ability to live demo your code, created and maintained by Formidable Labs. You can use it to create beautiful and interactive slides with animations, transitions, code highlighting, and other features.

  6. Code Surfer (6.3k ⭐) β€” A library that allows you to create presentations using Markdown and React components. You can write your slides in a single MDX file and separate them with ---, add code highlighting, code zooming, code scrolling, code focusing, code morphing, and fun to MDX Deck slides.

  7. WebSlides (6.2k ⭐) β€” A library that allows you to create beautiful HTML presentations and websites. Just choose a demo and customize it in minutes. 120+ slides ready to use. You can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, LaTeX, and more to create stunning slides with animations, transitions, code highlighting, and other features.

  8. Fusuma (5.4k ⭐) β€” A tool that allows you to create slides with Markdown easily. You can use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Vue components, and other web technologies to create stunning slides with animations, transitions, code highlighting, and other features.

  9. md2googleslides (4.4k ⭐) β€” Generate Google Slides from markdown & HTML. Run from the command line or embed in another application. While it does not yet produce stunningly beautiful decks, you are encouraged to use this tool for quickly prototyping presentations.

  10. PptxGenJS (2.5k ⭐) β€” A JavaScript library that allows you to create presentations, compatible with PowerPoint, Keynote, and other applications that support the Open Office XML (OOXML) format. You can use it to generate PPTX files with just a few simple JavaScript commands in any modern desktop and mobile browser. You can also integrate PptxGenJS with Node, Angular, React, and Electron.

Common features

Presentation frameworks typically share several common features that aim to enhance the creation and delivery of visually engaging and interactive presentations. Here are some of the common features you can find:

  • Ease of use: They allow you to use web technologies that you are familiar with, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Markdown, Vue, React, and more. You don’t need to learn a new software or tool to create your slides. You can also use your favorite code editor or IDE to write and edit your slides.

  • Nested slides: They allow you to create sub-sections or sub-topics within your presentation. You can use nested slides to organize your content, add more details, or create interactive menus.

  • Markdown support: Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text using simple syntax. You can use Markdown to write your slides in a plain text editor and then convert them to HTML. Markdown makes it easy to create headings, lists, links, images, code blocks, and more.

  • Auto-Animate: A feature that automatically animates the transitions between slides or elements to create smooth and dynamic effects for your presentation, detect the changes between slides and animate them accordingly.

  • PDF export: You can use PDF export to print your presentation, share it online, or view it offline. PDF export can also preserve the layout, fonts, and images of your presentation.

  • Speaker notes: You can use speaker notes to prepare your speech, add additional information, or provide references. Speaker notes are usually hidden from the audience but visible to you in a separate window or screen.

  • LaTeX support: LaTeX is a document preparation system that allows you to create high-quality typesetting for mathematical and scientific expressions. You can use LaTeX to write complex formulas, equations, symbols, and diagrams in your presentation. LaTeX can also handle cross-references, citations, and bibliographies.

  • Syntax highlighted code: You can use syntax highlighted code to display your source code in your presentation. Syntax highlighted code can make your code more readable, understandable, and attractive.