Static Rendering

Static rendering is a strategy that eagerly generates a separate HTML file for each URL ahead of time at build time, needs to be rebuilt and published each time the content changes, promises to be blazing fast with great SEO, and ultimate outputs static websites with no application code.

Generates no application code makes it best for sites with few authors and relatively infrequent content changes, typically personal and simple marketing websites.

Can help your site rank and perform better in search engines. Using this strategy makes your site fast and efficient for search engine crawlers, like Googlebot, to crawl your site and index your pages, blazing fast is a positive ranking factor for Google.

Has very fast response time because nothing needs to be generated on the fly, you can deploy to multiple CDNs to take advantage of edge-caching.

Exchange flexibility for speed makes it good for websites focused on static quality content, often publicly available and doesn’t need to be published frequently.

Static rendered pages are interactive without the need to execute much client-side JS so most of the functionality will still exist without JavaScript enabled.

It is trending and has tons of static site generators that help you get started in no time. You can use many programming languages (JavaScript, Go, Ruby, Rust, etc.) and many template engines (React, Vue, Mustache, Markdown, Handlebars, etc.).

Has very low maintaining cost, provide high-levels of reliability, require almost no IT administration, and scale to handle enterprise-level traffic with no additional work.

Static rendering is a no no if your site has one of following features:

  • Thousands of pages
  • Real-time breaking news
  • Dozens of non-technical authors
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Dynamic form, search, and filters
  • Discussion forums, community

Ultimately static rendering is best suited for sites containing no more than a few hundred pages with a couple of new posts every week published by several technical authors.

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