Top 6 authentication methods web developer must know

May 14, 2023#webdev#lists

Authentication methods between clients and servers are crucial for ensuring secure and trusted communication in various online systems, such as websites, applications, and network services. These methods involve verifying the identity of the client and establishing trust before granting access to protected resources. Here are a few commonly used authentication methods:

Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication is a simple authentication mechanism used in client-server communication over HTTP. It is a widely supported method that allows clients to authenticate themselves by sending their credentials in the form of a username and password to the server.

Here’s how Basic Authentication works:

  1. When a client makes a request to a server that requires authentication, the server responds with a 401 Unauthorized status code, indicating that authentication is required.
  2. The client includes an “Authorization” header in the request, which contains the word “Basic” followed by a base64-encoded string of the username and password, separated by a colon. The format is as follows: “Authorization: Basic base64(username:password)“.
  3. Upon receiving the request, the server decodes the base64-encoded string and retrieves the username and password.
  4. The server then validates the credentials by comparing them against a database or other authentication mechanism. If the credentials are valid, the server proceeds with processing the request and returns the requested resource with a 200 OK status code. Otherwise, it returns a 401 Unauthorized status code.

It’s important to note that Basic Authentication does not encrypt the credentials during transmission, which means they can be intercepted and read by malicious actors. To enhance security, it is recommended to use Basic Authentication over HTTPS (HTTP Secure), which encrypts the communication between the client and server.

Basic Authentication is relatively easy to implement and widely supported by web servers and clients. However, it has some limitations, such as the lack of session management and the need to send credentials with every request. As a result, it is often considered less secure than other authentication methods like token-based authentication or OAuth.

Session Based Authentication

Session-based authentication, also known as cookie-based authentication, is a commonly used method for managing user authentication and maintaining user sessions in web applications. It involves the use of server-side sessions and cookies to authenticate and track user activity.

Here’s how session-based authentication works:

  1. User login: When a user successfully logs in to a web application with their credentials (typically username and password), the server verifies the credentials and creates a unique session for the user. The server generates a session identifier, often in the form of a random string, which is associated with the user’s session data on the server.
  2. Session storage: The server stores the session data, which may include user-specific information and permissions, in a storage mechanism such as a database or memory cache. The session identifier is used as a key to retrieve the session data for each subsequent request from the user.
  3. Issuing a session cookie: After creating the session, the server sends a response to the client (usually a web browser) with a cookie containing the session identifier. The cookie is typically set with an expiration time to control the duration of the session.
  4. Cookie-based authentication: For each subsequent request to the server, the client automatically includes the session cookie in the request headers. The server receives the session cookie, extracts the session identifier, and retrieves the associated session data. It uses this data to authenticate the user and authorize their access to protected resources.
  5. Session management: The server manages the session lifecycle, including tracking session timeouts, session expiration, and user logout. If a session expires or the user logs out, the server can invalidate the session, removing the associated session data and requiring the user to reauthenticate.

Session-based authentication offers several benefits, including simplicity of implementation and the ability to store arbitrary user data in the session. However, it has some considerations and challenges. For example, it requires server-side storage for session data, which can impact scalability and performance.

Additionally, session cookies can be vulnerable to session hijacking or cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks if not properly secured. To mitigate these risks, it is crucial to use secure session management practices, such as using secure cookies, implementing session expiration policies, and protecting against common web application vulnerabilities.

Token Based Authentication

Token-based authentication is a popular method for authenticating and authorizing clients in web applications and APIs. It involves the use of tokens, typically in the form of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), to validate and grant access to protected resources.

Here’s how token-based authentication works:

  1. User login: When a user successfully logs in to an application or API with their credentials, the server verifies the credentials and generates a token for the user. This token contains encoded information about the user’s identity and permissions.
  2. Token generation: The server generates a token, often a JWT, which consists of three parts: a header, a payload, and a signature. The header includes the algorithm used for signing the token, the payload contains the user’s claims (e.g., username, roles, expiration), and the signature is used to verify the integrity of the token.
  3. Token issuance: The server sends the generated token back to the client, typically as part of the response to the login request. The token is typically included in the response body or set as a response header.
  4. Token storage: The client stores the received token securely. It can be stored in memory, local storage, or a cookie, depending on the application’s requirements and security considerations.
  5. Subsequent requests: For each subsequent request to the server, the client includes the token in the request headers, usually in the “Authorization” header. The token can be sent as a bearer token, prefixed with the word “Bearer”, or using other authentication schemes.
  6. Token verification: The server receives the request and verifies the authenticity and integrity of the token. It validates the signature, checks the token’s expiration, and may perform additional authorization checks based on the user’s claims stored in the token. If the token is valid and the user has the necessary permissions, the server processes the request and returns the requested resource.

Token-based authentication offers several advantages, including statelessness, scalability, and the ability to easily integrate with third-party services. Since tokens contain encoded user information, there’s no need for server-side storage or session management. Additionally, tokens can be easily shared across multiple services, enabling single sign-on (SSO) capabilities.

To enhance security, it’s important to implement token-based authentication over secure channels (e.g., HTTPS) to prevent interception and tampering. Tokens should also be properly signed and encrypted to protect their integrity and confidentiality.

JWT Authentication

JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication is a type of token-based authentication that uses JSON web tokens for securely transmitting and verifying user authentication information between a client and a server. JWT authentication is commonly used in web applications and APIs to authenticate and authorize users.

Here’s how JWT authentication works:

  1. User login: When a user successfully logs in with their credentials, the server verifies the credentials and generates a JWT for the user.
  2. JWT generation: The server creates a JWT consisting of three parts: the header, the payload, and the signature. The header typically includes the hashing algorithm used for signing the token. The payload contains claims or user-specific information, such as the user’s ID, username, roles, and expiration time. The server signs the token with a secret key or a private key if using asymmetric cryptography.
  3. JWT issuance: The server sends the JWT back to the client, usually as part of the response to the login request. The client receives and stores the JWT securely, typically in memory or local storage.
  4. Subsequent requests: For each subsequent request to protected resources, the client includes the JWT in the request headers, typically in the “Authorization” header with the prefix “Bearer”. The client extracts the JWT from storage and attaches it to the request.
  5. JWT verification: The server receives the request and verifies the JWT. It checks the signature to ensure the token has not been tampered with and validates the token’s expiration time. The server may also perform additional authorization checks based on the claims within the token, such as checking user roles or permissions.
  6. Request processing: If the JWT is valid and the user is authorized, the server processes the request and returns the requested resource. Otherwise, the server responds with an appropriate error status code.

JWT authentication offers several advantages, including statelessness, scalability, and ease of integration. Since JWTs contain the necessary authentication information, server-side storage or database lookups are not required, making JWT authentication stateless and suitable for distributed systems. Additionally, JWTs can be easily shared and used across different services or microservices, allowing for seamless integration and interoperability.

However, it’s important to implement JWT authentication securely. The secret key used for signing the token should be kept secret and protected. Additionally, JWTs should be transmitted over secure channels (e.g., HTTPS) to prevent interception or tampering. Regularly rotating the secret keys and validating token signatures properly are essential for maintaining the security and integrity of JWT authentication.


OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard protocol that enables secure and delegated access to protected resources, typically on behalf of a user, without sharing their credentials. OAuth allows users to grant access to their resources to third-party applications or services without revealing their login credentials.

OAuth involves three primary roles:

  1. Resource Owner: The resource owner is the user who owns the protected resources, such as their profile, photos, or data, and wants to grant access to those resources to a third-party application.
  2. Client: The client is the third-party application or service that requests access to the user’s resources. It can be a web application, mobile app, or API.
  3. Authorization Server: The authorization server is the server responsible for authenticating the user and issuing access tokens to the client after the user grants permission.

Here’s a high-level overview of the OAuth flow:

  1. User consent: The client requests authorization from the user to access their resources. The user is redirected to the authorization server’s login page to authenticate and grant or deny access.
  2. Authorization grant: If the user grants permission, the authorization server issues an authorization grant (e.g., an authorization code) to the client.
  3. Access token request: The client exchanges the authorization grant, along with its client credentials (client ID and secret), for an access token by making a request to the authorization server’s token endpoint.
  4. Access token issuance: The authorization server verifies the client’s credentials and authorization grant, and if valid, issues an access token to the client.
  5. Resource access: The client includes the access token in subsequent requests to the resource server to access the user’s protected resources. The resource server verifies the access token to ensure it’s valid and authorized, granting or denying access accordingly.

OAuth provides several benefits, including increased security by avoiding the need to share or store user credentials with third-party applications. It also enables users to control and manage the access permissions granted to different applications. OAuth is widely used by major platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter for enabling third-party access to user data and resources.

OAuth has different versions, such as OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0. OAuth 2.0 is the most widely adopted version, offering a simplified and more flexible framework for authentication and authorization. It introduces concepts like access tokens, refresh tokens, and scopes, providing a foundation for secure and granular access control in modern web applications and APIs.


SSO stands for Single Sign-On. It is an authentication mechanism that allows users to access multiple applications or services with a single set of credentials. Instead of having separate usernames and passwords for each application, SSO enables users to authenticate once and then gain access to multiple systems without the need to reauthenticate for each individual application.

Here’s how SSO typically works:

  1. User authentication: When a user attempts to access an application, they are redirected to an SSO system or identity provider (IdP).
  2. SSO authentication: The user enters their credentials (username and password) or uses an alternate authentication method, such as social media accounts or biometrics, to authenticate with the SSO system.
  3. SSO token issuance: Upon successful authentication, the SSO system generates a token or session identifier, which represents the user’s authenticated session.
  4. Token validation: The token is securely transmitted to the application or service the user is trying to access.
  5. Application verification: The application or service receives the token and verifies its authenticity and validity by communicating with the SSO system or by verifying the token’s digital signature.
  6. Access granted: If the token is valid, the application or service grants the user access without requiring them to enter separate login credentials.

SSO offers several benefits, including improved user experience, increased productivity, and enhanced security. Users only need to remember a single set of credentials, reducing the burden of managing multiple usernames and passwords. This simplification can improve efficiency and save time for both end-users and IT administrators responsible for managing access.

From a security perspective, SSO enables centralized authentication and access control, allowing organizations to enforce strong security measures, such as multi-factor authentication, at the SSO system level. This ensures consistent and robust security across multiple applications and reduces the risk associated with weak or compromised passwords.

SSO can be implemented using various protocols and standards, including SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language), OAuth, OpenID Connect, and LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). These protocols facilitate secure authentication and information exchange between the identity provider (SSO system) and the service providers (applications or services).