
Found 31 articles tagged with #guides

Tesseract OCR with Java with Examples

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology has changed the world because of the ability to convert printed as well as handwritten text into editable material.

Writing Conventional Git Commit Messages

Learn how to write more readable git commit messages that are easy to follow when looking through the project history.

Jan 18, 2022#git#misc#guides

CSS Blend Modes

A CSS feature allows you to create a compositional effect by mixing colors from two or more layers.

Jul 21, 2021#css#guides

CSS Container Queries

Upcoming CSS feature using @container at-rule to style elements based on the size of their parent container instead of viewport.

Jul 03, 2021#css#guides

TypeScript Pros, Cons, Faqs, and Myths

TypeScript inherits major pros of JavaScript, but also offers additional benefits coming from static typing and other concepts specific to TypeScript.

Jun 03, 2021#typescript#guides

Learn TypeScript with Redux Codebase

Redux open-source repository is one of the most beautiful well-documented beginner-friendly TypeScript codebase.

CSS Z-index

This post explains why elements with higher z-index values are not always in front of elements with lower z-index values.

May 17, 2021#css#guides

CSS Easing Functions

CSS functions that describes the rate at which a numerical value changes used to describe how fast values change during animations.

May 16, 2021#css#guides

CSS Tooling Overview

Modern CSS tools has empowered CSS with many features beyond the language itself and built around PostCSS.

May 14, 2021#css#guides

Design Principles Behind CSS Language

Before you complain about CSS problems at scale or request new features, you should read the design principles behind it.

May 10, 2021#css#guides