
Found 36 articles tagged with #python

How to remove duplicates from a list in Python

Choosing the best method depends on your specific needs. If order preservation is crucial, use list comprehension. If efficiency is a priority, consider set conversion.

Jul 09, 2024#python

Different ways to remove elements from a list in Python

There are several ways to remove elements from a list by value, first, last, specific index, or event multiple positions by a creteria. Each suited to different situations and needs.

Jul 08, 2024#python

Different ways to sort a list of tuples in Python

Sorting a list of tuples in Python can be done in various ways depending on the specific criteria like first element, specific element, multiple elements, or in reverse order.

Jul 06, 2024#python

How to flatten a list of lists in Python

A list of lists in Python is a list where each element is itself a list. This can be useful for representing data in a tabular form, like a matrix or a 2D array.

Jul 02, 2024#python

How to reverse a range in Python

You have a few options, the choice of method for reversing a range in Python depends on your specific needs and the size of the data you're working with.

May 22, 2024#python

How to check if a variable is number in Python

You can check if a variable is a number by using the isinstance() function, which checks if an object is an instance of a particular class or a subclass thereof.

Apr 29, 2024#python

What are main() and __name__ in Python?

Unlike some other programming languages, Python doesnā€™t have a specific built-in main() function that is automatically executed when the program starts.

Apr 20, 2024#python

How to filter a list in Python

Python offers versatile list filtering through list comprehensions, filter() function with lambda expressions, or comprehensible conditional statements for concise data manipulation.

Apr 11, 2024#python

Python's Role In Next-Gen Text Paraphrasing Tools

We will explore and see what the role of Python isā€”an object-oriented programming languageā€” in the making and working of these next-gen paraphrasing tools.

Mar 15, 2024#tools#python

How to use ternary operator in Python

In Python, the ternary operator is a concise way to write an if-else statement in a single line. It is also known as the conditional expression.

Mar 07, 2024#python