
Found 21 articles tagged with #python

How to iterate through a dictionary in Python

There are several ways to iterate through a dictionary depending on what you want to access: the keys, the values, or the key-value pairs.

Feb 13, 2024#python

How to check if variable is None in Python

None is a special data type in Python that represents the absence of any value or object. It is not the same as 0, False, or an empty string.

Feb 08, 2024#python#operators

How to use list comprehension in Python

List comprehension is a concise way of creating lists in Python based on an existing iterable object, such as a list, a tuple, a string, or a range.

Jan 05, 2024#python#lists

How to use type hints in Python

Type hints don't enforce type checking at runtime, but they provide valuable information for static type checkers, code completion, and code clarity for developers.

Jan 03, 2024#python#types

Difference between *args and **kwargs in Python

In summary *args collects the extra positional arguments as a tuple, while **kwargs collects the extra keyword arguments as a dictionary.

Jan 02, 2024#python#functions

How to run shell commands in Python

Python can be used to automate various tasks, and sometimes these tasks involve interacting with the underlying operating system.

Dec 17, 2023#python#shells

Check if a variable is list in Python

This verification is essential for ensuring that the subsequent operations or functions are appropriate for the data structure at hand.

Dec 16, 2023#python#lists

How to use tuple type hints in Python

Python 3.8 and earlier require importing `Tuple` from the `typing` module. Python 3.9+ allows using `tuple` directly without importing.

Dec 12, 2023#python#tuples

How to perform string interpolation in Python

You can use the % operator, format method, or f-strings to perform string interpolation, which is inserting values into a string in Python.

Dec 08, 2023#python#strings

Local variable referenced before assignment in Python

This is a common error in Python that occurs when you try to use a variable that has not been assigned a value in the local scope of a function.

Aug 20, 2023#python#scopes