Common challenges during migration are global variables and interactions with the main actor in UI code. Solutions often involve marking variables as immutable, isolating code to the main actor, or using specific annotations to manage concurrency safety.
Creating rounded images in your app's UI can be a design choice to enhance the visual appeal and provide a more modern or aesthetically pleasing look.
The exact moment that SwiftUI calls these methods depends on the specific view type that you apply to, but the action closures complete before the first rendered frame appears.
SwiftUI provides excellent support for creating and customizing gradient colors in your user interfaces. This allows for creating visually appealing and dynamic effects.
In SwiftUI, @ViewBuilder is a special attribute used to build views. It is a result builder that allows you to construct views in a more declarative and readable manner.
The primary way is to use the @FocusState property wrapper in conjunction with the .focused modifier to control the keyboard’s visibility.
Custom environment values are useful when you have data that multiple views need access to, but you don't want to pass them down manually through each view's initializer.
Launch screen is the initial screen that appears when your app is launched. It provides a seamless transition from launching the app to displaying its first screen.
For most cases, using the scrollDismissesKeyboard modifier is the simpler and more recommended approach, especially with SwiftUI 16 and later.
Use StateObject when the view is the source of truth for the object, ObservedObject when the object’s lifecycle is managed outside the view, such as when it’s passed into the view.