How to use variadic parameters in Swift

Variadic parameters are useful when you want to create a function that can take any number of arguments of a specific type without specifying them individually.

Mar 03, 2024#swift#functions

When to use computed properties or methods in Swift

Both computed properties and methods can provide dynamic behavior, allowing you to calculate values or perform actions based on the current state of an instance.

Feb 26, 2024#swift

How to include query parameters in GET request with Axios

Query parameters are appended after the URL path, starting with a `?`. They are used to filter, sort, or modify the resources.

How to Summarize Text Using Machine Learning and Python?

ML algorithms can be used to create intelligent systems that can analyze and reduce large materials into brief summaries. This will save time and improve comprehension as well.

Feb 19, 2024#AI#ML#python

Advanced string formatting with f-strings in Python

F-strings (formatted string literals), introduced in Python 3.6, are a way to embed expressions inside string literals, using curly braces.

Feb 15, 2024#python#strings

How to use destructuring assignment in JavaScript

A feature in JavaScript that allows you to extract values from objects or arrays and assign them to variables in a more concise and readable way.

Check if object has a specific property in JavaScript

Method hasOwnProperty is often preferred when you want to check only the object itself, while the in operator is useful when you want to check the entire prototype chain.

How to return multiple values in JavaScript

If there are multiple pieces of data that are logically related to each other, it makes sense to group them together and return them as a single unit.

How to capitalize first letter in Swift

Capitalizing first letter of each word, the first letter of a sentence, or all caps lies in the specific style and purpose of text presentation.

Jan 28, 2024#swift#strings

How to add zeros before number in javascript

Adding leading zeros to a number is often necessary in scenarios where the representation of the number needs to have a fixed width or format.