An object that has numeric indices and a length property.
The main difference between `substring()` and `slice()` in JavaScript is how they handle negative or out-of-range arguments.
When you say "clear the array" in the context of programming, it generally means removing all the elements from the array, leaving it empty.
You can achieve string reversal using array manipulation methods like split, reverse, and join or through loops and other techniques.
When we talk about "shuffling" an array, it means changing the order of the elements within the array in a random or pseudo-random manner.
One common method is to use the array’s length property and subtract one from it, another method is to use the array’s slice() method with a negative index.
A recursive function typically has a base case that stops the recursion and one or more recursive cases that call the function itself.
Anonymous functions are commonly used in IIFEs (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions), callbacks, closures, event handlers, etc.
For simple redirections without the need for advanced routing features, using vanilla JavaScript is often sufficient.
Whether you need to extract keys, values, or key-value pairs, Object.keys(), Object.values(), and Object.entries(), each serving a unique purpose in converting objects into arrays.