
Found 8 articles tagged with #xcode

When to use weak vs unowned references in Swift

Remember, weak is for cases where the reference might become nil, while unowned assumes it won’t. Choose wisely based on your specific use case.

Jul 07, 2024#swift#xcode#debug

How to use xcconfig files in Xcode projects

You can create as many xcconfig files as you want, and you can specify different build configuration files for debug and release builds, and for different platforms and architectures.

Jul 21, 2023#xcode#swift#ios

How to uninstall Xcode and clear its junk completely

Uninstalling Xcode can be tricky due to its junk data. You must locate multiple files, folders, and dependencies that need to be removed to free up space.

Jun 27, 2023#xcode#how-to#ios

Getting Started with CocoaPods

CocoaPods will resolve dependencies between libraries, fetch the resulting source code, then link it together in an Xcode workspace to build your project.

Jul 18, 2022#ios#xcode

iOS Dependency Formats

When you add a dependency to Xcode projects you have the options to add Swift packages, XCFrameworks, frameworks or libraries.

Jul 18, 2022#ios#xcode

Getting Started with Swift Package Manager

The official tool for managing the distribution of Swift code to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

Jul 18, 2022#ios#swift#xcode

Getting Started with Carthage

Carthage builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks, but you retain full control over your project structure and setup.

Jul 16, 2022#ios#xcode

iOS Dependency Managers (SwiftPM, CocoaPods, Carthage)

Without this tool, you’d do this by manually copying source code files, dropping in pre-compiled binaries or using a mechanism like Git submodules.

Jun 02, 2022#ios#xcode