How to format numbers with commas in JavaScript

The usage of commas and periods as decimal separators and thousands separators varies based on the conventions of different regions and countries.

How to check if a value is number in JavaScript

A JavaScript variable can hold different types of values at runtime. One way to check if it is a number in is to use the typeof operator, another way is to use the isNaN function.

Aug 14, 2023#javascript

How to use shebang #! in Bash

A special line that tells the operating system which interpreter to use to execute the rest of the script, also used in other scripting languages, such as Python, Perl, and Ruby.

Aug 09, 2023#bash

How to convert float to integer in JavaScript

You can use various methods that either round, truncate, or parse the float value. Depending on your specific use case, you can choose the most appropriate method.

Aug 02, 2023#javascript

How to check if string contains substring in Python

A substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string. Python provides several ways to check for substrings within a larger string.

Jul 29, 2023#python#strings

How to write if else statement in Bash

The if..else statement allows you to create powerful and versatile scripts, enabling you to handle different scenarios efficiently and automate decision-making processes.

Jul 28, 2023#bash

How to set image size in Markdown

Markdown does not have a standard way to change the size of an image, common way to change image size in Markdown is to use some HTML code instead of Markdown syntax.

Jul 27, 2023#markdown#html#css

What is TypeScript SQL-like Drizzle ORM?

Drizzle ORM follows the SQL-like syntax whenever possible, and is strongly typed ground up, praised by developers for its simplicity, flexibility and performance.

Top 12 JavaScript Markdown Libraries

Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-read markup language that allows users to format plain text content without the complexities of HTML or other markup languages.

How to get and set CSS variables with JavaScript

CSS variables are custom properties that can be declared and used in your stylesheets. They can also be accessed by JavaScript using getPropertyValue() and setProperty().

Jul 20, 2023#css#javascript