Tools that adopts static rendering strategy and help you generate static websites.
An overview of web rendering strategies like client-side, server-side, universal, prerendering, static, or rehydration.
What high-level programming languages currently can use WebAssembly as a compilation target.
Grunt and Gulp are two popular tools to automate repetitive, mundane, painful and time-consuming tasks effectively.
Transpilers in JavaScript are source-to-source compilers that can transform syntax and polyfill features, allow developers to write future facing code.
Scaffolding tools allows for rapidly getting started on new projects and streamlines the maintenance of existing projects.
Bundling JavaScript and non-JavaScript modules into bundles using Webpack, Rollup, Parcel and many more.
Package managers are tools that help you manage packages as dependencies and might also provide a global package registry.
Static type checkers and object validators are just incomplete solutions to the unsafe dynamic nature of JavaScript.
An overview of CommonJS (CJS), Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD), Universal Module Definition (UMD), and ECMAScript Modules (ESM).