Check if object property is undefined in JavaScript

There is no definitive answer to when you should check if an object property is null, undefined, or exists, as it depends on the context and the purpose of your code.

How to clone an object in JavaScript

Cloning an object is harder than you think as you have to handle reference types, circular references, functions, special objects, hidden properties.

Capitalize the first letter of a string in JavaScript

JavaScript provides several approaches to achieve this, ranging from basic techniques to more advanced methods involving functions or regular expressions.

How to use global variables in JavaScript

You can use global variables across multiple files by attaching them to the global object or by using a module system to import and export variables between files.

How to create a sleep or delay in Node.js

A sleep or delay function is a programming feature that allows you to pause the execution of a program or a specific part of a program for a specified amount of time.

Difference between tuples and arrays in TypeScript

Tuples can store only a fixed number of elements and types at each index, while arrays can store any combination of types and the order is not important.

How to declare array type in TypeScript

Arrays in TypeScript are very similar to JavaScript arrays, but TypeScript provides you with the power of static typing, type inference, and type annotations.

How to convert binary to decimal in JavaScript

A binary number is a numeral system with a base of 2. It uses only two symbols, typically 0 and 1, to represent all values.

Compare two strings ignoring case in JavaScript

You can convert both strings to either lower case or upper case, use the localeCompare method of the String object, or regular expressions with the i flag.

How to encode and decode base64 in JavaScript

Base64 works by dividing the input data into groups of three bytes (24 bits) and then converting each group into four characters from the 64-character alphabet.

Oct 17, 2023#javascript#node