React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, has grown to become the most popular and widely-used JavaScript UI library in recent years, following are awesome curated resources for you to start with React right away.
- Official Documentation - The most up-to-date and reliable source for information about everything new and specific inside the world of React. Aside from the API documentation, the website offers a getting started guide, an in-depth tutorial, and a few additional guides for more advanced features.
- Awesome React - A collection of awesome things regarding the React ecosystem.
- Awesome React Talks - A curated list of talks about React or topics related to React.
- Hero35 - A website with all React conferences and talks, categorized & curated.
- Awesome React Components - Curated List of React Components & Libraries.
- Reactiflux - A chat community of 110,000+ React JS React JS, React Native React Native, Redux Redux, Jest Jest, Relay Relay and GraphQL GraphQL developers.