What to focus technically when preparing for the frontend developer interview.
Working from home as remote or indie developer is a real challenge with tons of distractions, deep work is way better than long hours.
Grammar is an essential part of technical writing to create clear and grammatically correct articles.
Assess your CSS proficiency today after years of styling websites, you might be shocked at how much you don't know.
Practical guides to build and maintain three essential traffic sources including organic, referral, and direct.
Your content should be structured around four different functions — tutorials, how-to guides, reference, explanation.
I've been writing blog posts since 2017 but haven't learned technical writing properly as a writer.
A learning path to cover all important web development concepts to build a world-class modern website ultimately.
React is the hottest technology in web development nowadays, working on it is exciting but preparing for interviews is really a pain in the neck.
JavaScript is the heart of web development, be prepared to be asked multiple confusing advanced concepts about it during frontend interview.