
Found 44 articles tagged with #libs

React Drag-and-Drop Components

Beautiful drag-and-drop behavior in React for lists, file uploaders, and layouts.

Sep 05, 2021#react#libs#lists

React Component Libraries

Sets of ready-to-use, beautiful styled, and extensible React UI components.

Sep 04, 2021#react#libs#lists

CSS Modules

CSS Modules let you use the same CSS class name in different files without worrying about naming clashes.

Joi - The Best Data Validator for JavaScript

A small, simple, intuitive, and standalone library which allows you to describe what shape of data you want using pure JavaScript.

PropTypes - Runtime Type Checking for React Props

PropTypes was originally exposed as part of the React core module, and is commonly used with React components.

Rollup - A Solid JavaScript Bundler for Libraries

Rollup was created to build flat distributables of JavaScript libraries as efficiently as possible, taking advantage of ES modules.

Mar 10, 2021#javascript#libs

Node object-relational mappers (ORMs)

Notable object-relational mapping libraries for Node.js and relational database systems.

Nov 06, 2020#node#libs#lists

Node Realtime Libraries

Notable libraries to build real-time features like notifications, messaging, streaming or tracking in Node.

Oct 31, 2020#node#libs#lists

JavaScript Reactive Programming Libraries

Notable libraries that help you adopt reactive programming paradigm in JavaScript effortlessly.

JavaScript Charting Libraries

Notable libraries to draw charts and visualize data in browser.