
Found 79 articles tagged with #swift

Swift Async Sequences

The new AsyncSequence protocol enables a natural, simple syntax for iterating over a sequence of values over time as easy as writing a `for` loop.

Mar 08, 2023#swift#concurrency

iOS Modal Presentations

You display a modal presentation, like an alert, popover, sheet, or confirmation dialog to draw attention to an important narrowly scoped task.

Mar 07, 2023#ios#swift#swiftui

Swift @available, #available or #unavailable

To handle API changes, use @available attribute to annotate availability of new declarations, and use #available or #unavailable to conditionalize.

What are protocol associated types in Swift

An associated type gives a placeholder name to a type that’s used as part of the protocol, isn’t specified until the protocol is adopted.

Mar 06, 2023#swift#protocols

A complete guide to iOS data persistence

We are going to look at persistence options for iOS, each of these has its own pros and cons, it’s up to you to determine which option surpasses the others.

What's New in Swift 5.8

Swift has a formal process for proposing and accepting changes to the language, known as the Swift Evolution Process which covers all

iOS Interview Questions (SwiftUI)

Preparing for a SwiftUI interview involves a combination of learning the fundamental concepts of SwiftUI and practicing building user interfaces with the framework.

Mastering iOS + Swift + SwiftUI

Recommended learning resources to become an iOS developer, so you can spend time learning instead of searching.

Sep 15, 2022#ios#swift#books

iOS Interview Questions (Swift)

Preparing for an iOS interview requires you to take considerable amount of time to review Swift language features.

Conflicting access to memory in Swift

The conflicting access discussed here can happen on a single thread and doesn’t involve concurrent or multithreaded code.