Modern CSS has moved away from manual vendor prefixing in favor of automatic prefixing and feature queries.
How CSS optimizers work under the hood by applying different minification techniques on CSS files resulting in smaller file size.
Take a closer look at how to calculate the actual specificity value to determine which selector takes precedence.
TypeScript has become the obvious choice when you want to write statically-typed code that compiled to JavaScript.
Latest not-finalized stage-4-proposal features going to be included in ECMAScript 2021.
Practical guides to build and maintain three essential traffic sources including organic, referral, and direct.
There are a large number of browser APIs available, this post introduces those you might use very often.
You can achieve a design with different CSS layout systems like Positioned, Flexbox, Grid, or Multi-Column Layout.
Your content should be structured around four different functions — tutorials, how-to guides, reference, explanation.
I've been writing blog posts since 2017 but haven't learned technical writing properly as a writer.