Stop Writing CSS Vendor Prefixes Manually

Modern CSS has moved away from manual vendor prefixing in favor of automatic prefixing and feature queries.

Apr 29, 2021#css#guides

On Strategies of CSS Minification

How CSS optimizers work under the hood by applying different minification techniques on CSS files resulting in smaller file size.

Apr 28, 2021#css#internals

How to Calculate CSS Specificity

Take a closer look at how to calculate the actual specificity value to determine which selector takes precedence.

Apr 16, 2021#css#how-to

An Overview of TypeScript

TypeScript has become the obvious choice when you want to write statically-typed code that compiled to JavaScript.

Mar 28, 2021#typescript#guides

What's New in JavaScript ES2021

Latest not-finalized stage-4-proposal features going to be included in ECMAScript 2021.

Mar 17, 2021#javascript#news

Technical Blogging, Part 4: Traffic

Practical guides to build and maintain three essential traffic sources including organic, referral, and direct.

Mar 13, 2021#career#writing

Essential Browser APIs

There are a large number of browser APIs available, this post introduces those you might use very often.

Overview of Different CSS Layouts

You can achieve a design with different CSS layout systems like Positioned, Flexbox, Grid, or Multi-Column Layout.

Mar 01, 2021#css#guides

Technical Blogging, Part 2: Content

Your content should be structured around four different functions — tutorials, how-to guides, reference, explanation.

Feb 10, 2021#career#writing

Technical Blogging, Part 1: Overview

I've been writing blog posts since 2017 but haven't learned technical writing properly as a writer.

Jan 09, 2021#career#writing