Many companies are adopting monorepo but the decision to use it or not is quite tricky.
Minimum technologies to manage own product on private server using containerization.
Frontend development has been flooded with insane amount of technologies.
Curated list of must-know backend related knowledge and technologies.
Whether you are going to focus on frontend or backend, these are my curated list of knowledge or technologies you must master.
A hash function used in RabināKarp's string search algorithm.
The motivation behind my decision to become a fullstack one and whether should you.
Being a maker is all about building something that solves a problem, or brings happiness to other people, even if it is only a small group of people.
Microservices are composed of small independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs.
I believe we have to constantly learn from others, these sites contain valuable articles and resources that help us to get from good to great.