Become a Fullstack JavaScript Developer, Part 6: The Monorepo

Many companies are adopting monorepo but the decision to use it or not is quite tricky.

Become a Fullstack JavaScript Developer, Part 5: The DevOps

Minimum technologies to manage own product on private server using containerization.

Become a Fullstack JavaScript Developer, Part 4: The Frontend

Frontend development has been flooded with insane amount of technologies.

Become a Fullstack JavaScript Developer, Part 3: The Backend

Curated list of must-know backend related knowledge and technologies.

Become a Fullstack JavaScript Developer, Part 2: The Basics

Whether you are going to focus on frontend or backend, these are my curated list of knowledge or technologies you must master.

Jul 19, 2019#career#javascript

Polynomial Rolling Hash

A hash function used in Rabinā€“Karp's string search algorithm.

Jul 17, 2019#dsa#algorithms

Become a Fullstack JavaScript Developer, Part 1: The Motivation

The motivation behind my decision to become a fullstack one and whether should you.

Jul 16, 2019#career#javascript

How to become an indie maker

Being a maker is all about building something that solves a problem, or brings happiness to other people, even if it is only a small group of people.

Jul 07, 2019#career#maker

The Hype Microservices

Microservices are composed of small independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs.

Top sites for iOS and Swift developers

I believe we have to constantly learn from others, these sites contain valuable articles and resources that help us to get from good to great.