Swift offers a few ways to handle multiple asynchronous tasks, depending on whether you need them to run concurrently or wait for their results.
In Swift, private provides the strictest level of access control. You should only use fileprivate when you have a specific reason to allow access from other parts of the same file.
Swift 5.10 accomplishes full data isolation in the concurrency language model. This important milestone has taken years of active development over many releases.
Method compactMap removes nil results from optional value sequences during transformation, and flatMap flattens nested sequences into a single level sequence.
Variadic parameters are useful when you want to create a function that can take any number of arguments of a specific type without specifying them individually.
Both computed properties and methods can provide dynamic behavior, allowing you to calculate values or perform actions based on the current state of an instance.
Capitalizing first letter of each word, the first letter of a sentence, or all caps lies in the specific style and purpose of text presentation.
It's important to consider the specific requirements of your tasks and choose the appropriate session type and configuration accordingly.
One of the basic operations in Swift is to compare two strings for equality or order. There are different ways to do that, depending on your needs.
In Swift you cannot rely on the compiler to check the error type for you, you have to use runtime checks or type casting to determine what kind of error you are dealing with.