Promisifying is converting a callback-based function into a function that returns a promise, which allows you to use promise chaining or convenient async/await syntax.
Both substring() and slice() methods allow you to extract a portion of a string. By specifying a range that excludes the last character, you effectively remove it from the string.
Macros are a feature present in a number of languages that allow one to perform some kind of transformation on the program's input source code to produce a different program.
Inline SVGs provide direct control and flexibility, while external SVGs offer better modularity, reusability, and easier collaboration between designers and developers.
An URL shortening service is a web app that converts a long URL into a short URL. It does this by using a redirect, which is a link that connects the short URL to the long one.
ES2023 is the latest version of the ECMAScript standard that will be finalized in June 2023, introducing some new features and improvements that JavaScript will conform to.
The query string provides a way to include additional information in a URL, such as search terms, filters, sorting options, pagination details, or any other data that needs to be passed.
These libraries typically handle the positioning, appearance, and behavior of tooltips, making it easier for developers to implement tooltips without having to write complex code from scratch.
They help manage the routing functionality in client-side apps, provide a way to handle navigation, define routes, and perform actions based on the current URL or route parameters.
A data race is when two threads access the same mutable object without synchronization, while a race condition is when the order of events affects the correctness of the program.