Swift Sendable protocol and @Sendable attribute

We need a way to differentiate between the cases that are safe to transfer between concurrency domains and those that are not.

Mar 11, 2023#swift#concurrency

State management in SwiftUI

SwiftUI ships with a handful of property wrappers that enable us to declare exactly how our data is observed, rendered and mutated by our views.

Tauri - Build Desktop Apps with Rust & Web Technologies

Tauri uses a combination of Rust tools and HTML rendered in a Webview, which can control the system via message passing.

A complete guide to iOS data persistence

We are going to look at persistence options for iOS, each of these has its own pros and cons, it’s up to you to determine which option surpasses the others.

Top 6 Modern Web Bundlers

Nowadays, almost every web developer uses one bundler or another. Currently, Vite is the fastest-growing major bundler adopted by many frameworks.

Feb 08, 2023#webdev#bundling

On System Design with Naivety

Too often that many developers with almost zero experience in system design are put in charge of designing one.

What's New in Swift 5.8

Swift has a formal process for proposing and accepting changes to the language, known as the Swift Evolution Process which covers all….

iOS Interview Questions (SwiftUI)

Preparing for a SwiftUI interview involves a combination of learning the fundamental concepts of SwiftUI and practicing building user interfaces with the framework.

How to Mimic Nominal Typing in TypeScript

You can overcome drawbacks of structural typing in TypeScript by creating nominal types with a little bit of extra code.

iOS Interview Questions (Swift)

Preparing for an iOS interview requires you to take considerable amount of time to review Swift language features.